Story inside house

18 November 2021

 When couple starts a family, it should settle a rules, a commitment as foundation in deciding the problem. Every problem should be settled within both of them, as two way communication close the difference. That’s why if the problem goes to court, that mean there’s problem with the communication or could be serious gap inside the family.

Usually one or could be both already breaking the commitment, conflict would be unavoidable before outsiders taking the charges. Perhaps if goes to court mean inside family already give up on the conflict. Otherwise simple conflict never have reached public attention.

It really shameful that problem inside house goes to public, like no more private life. No more secret or perhaps the emotion already reached the limits. If like that councilor of family can be invited to help the problem before going to court to settle the problem.

Commitment breach

Usually love between two would respect what’s the commitment inside house. Sometimes simple misunderstood could start the war, that’s why good communication would eliminate any more breaking of the commitment. Talk and talk in every aspect of the problem, leave in silent is just widening the gap.

Though problem can be rooted from the much different in both couples, for example the difference in culture, habit. That’s why before start the family settle first the difference, because those thing can be the source of the conflict. So during dating, not only sweet talk, but seriously open what the concern inside should be told clearly.

Otherwise neglected those thing can easily open up small problem becomes disaster in simple family. Like habit of drinking, it’s not always regarded in religion. In some cultures it’s permitted and it’s not a wrong doing. 

Build trust

Always back to what the commitment when the couple start a family. Any problem should discuss first inside house, that’s why sometimes need parents to settle. Having parent inside family is like having someone to settle for any problem.

It’s not like kids problem, our problem usually also around ego. Seems outsiders would think that’s couple still have kids mind. That’s also absolutely correct, since, age just number but whoever still having ego is a kid lol.

Conflict inside house usually around like that, ego that can be settled. Ones to the other one still holding that ego strongly. They’ll realize after everything already too late and goes to court.

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